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Juanita Ibarra

Electronic Portfolio



About Me


My name is Juanita Ibarra. I am Brownsville native, married, and mother of two grown sons: Johnny Jr. and Michael Anthony. Currently, I work at The University of Texas at Brownsville as an Administrative Assistant in the Division of Institutional Advancement. I have been in the M.Ed. in Educational Technology program for past two years.


My professional background has been in the field of office administration in a variety of positions ranging from receptionist, clerk, secretary, administrative secretary and administrative assistant. My career goal is to work as an educational technology trainer in a Catholic Diocesan institution.


I once read, “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” As a career change I am pursuing a master's degree in Educational Technology. I have always been excited about taking M.Ed. courses and yet a little nervous at the same time. However, I am not afraid to work hard to obtain my dream!


My e-Portfolio


The e-Portfolio is presented in lieu of the comprehensive examination for the Educational Technology program at The University of Texas at Brownsville. The purpose of the e-Portfolio is to demonstrate my graduate coursework as required in the M.Ed. program. The e-Portfolio format includes achievement of six professional responsibilities addressed in the M.Ed. program. They are as follows: leadership and professional responsibilities, design, development, utilization and management, evaluation, research, and collaboration.


My e-Portfolio Organization


By using the links at the top of each page, you will be able to navigate through the pages of the WIKI e-Portfolio to view the different items. For example, the Matrix page displays how each artifact included in the e-Portfolio meets one or more professional responsibilities through their corresponding performance indicators. In addition, the project description area of the page provides links to selected projects and artifact reports. In the Course Taken page, you will see lists of courses completed to meet the requirements for my degree including links to the course descriptions. Link to my contact information is also provided.


My e-Portfolio Review


To review my e-Portfolio, click the user-friendly tab links which are located across the main page by using Internet Explorer, Firefox or with the most common compatible web browser with your operating system.


Contact Me


To contact me, you can click the contact link. 


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